-- |
-- This module contains a VPA (Visibly Pushdown Automaton) implementation of the internal derivative algorithm.
-- It is intended to be used for explanation purposes.
-- It shows how our algorithm is effectively equivalent to a visibly pushdown automaton.

module Data.Katydid.Relapse.VpaDerive
  ( derive

import qualified Data.Map.Strict               as M
import           Control.Monad.State            ( State
                                                , runState
                                                , state
                                                , lift
import           Data.Foldable                  ( foldlM )
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except     ( ExceptT(..)
                                                , runExceptT

import           Data.Katydid.Parser.Parser

import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.Derive   as Derive
import           Data.Katydid.Relapse.Smart     ( Grammar
                                                , Pattern
import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.Smart    as Smart
import           Data.Katydid.Relapse.IfExprs
import           Data.Katydid.Relapse.Expr
import           Data.Katydid.Relapse.Zip

mem :: Ord k => (k -> v) -> k -> M.Map k v -> (v, M.Map k v)
mem f k m | M.member k m = (m M.! k, m)
          | otherwise    = let res = f k in (res, M.insert k res m)

type VpaState = [Pattern]
type StackElm = ([Pattern], Zipper)

type Calls = M.Map VpaState ZippedIfExprs
type Nullable = M.Map [Pattern] [Bool]
type Returns = M.Map ([Pattern], Zipper, [Bool]) [Pattern]

newtype Vpa = Vpa (Nullable, Calls, Returns, Grammar)

newVpa :: Grammar -> Vpa
newVpa g = Vpa (M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, g)

nullable :: [Pattern] -> State Vpa [Bool]
nullable key = state $ \(Vpa (n, c, r, g)) ->
  let (v', n') = mem (map Smart.nullable) key n in (v', Vpa (n', c, r, g))

calls :: [Pattern] -> State Vpa ZippedIfExprs
calls key = state $ \(Vpa (n, c, r, g)) ->
  let (v', c') = mem (zipIfExprs . Derive.calls g) key c
  in  (v', Vpa (n, c', r, g))

vpacall :: VpaState -> Label -> ExceptT String (State Vpa) (StackElm, VpaState)
vpacall vpastate label = do
  zifexprs            <- lift $ calls vpastate
  (nextstate, zipper) <- hoistExcept $ evalZippedIfExprs zifexprs label
  let stackelm = (vpastate, zipper)
  return (stackelm, nextstate)

hoistExcept :: (Monad m) => Either e a -> ExceptT e m a
hoistExcept = ExceptT . return

returns :: ([Pattern], Zipper, [Bool]) -> State Vpa [Pattern]
returns key = state $ \(Vpa (n, c, r, g)) ->
  let (v', r') = mem
        (\(ps, zipper, znulls) -> Derive.returns g (ps, unzipby zipper znulls))
  in  (v', Vpa (n, c, r', g))

vpareturn :: StackElm -> VpaState -> State Vpa VpaState
vpareturn (vpastate, zipper) current = do
  zipnulls <- nullable current
  returns (vpastate, zipper, zipnulls)

deriv :: Tree t => VpaState -> t -> ExceptT String (State Vpa) VpaState
deriv current tree = do
  (stackelm, nextstate) <- vpacall current (getLabel tree)
  resstate              <- foldlM deriv nextstate (getChildren tree)
  lift $ vpareturn stackelm resstate

foldLT :: Tree t => Vpa -> VpaState -> [t] -> Either String [Pattern]
foldLT _ current [] = return current
foldLT m current (t : ts) =
  let (newstate, newm) = runState (runExceptT $ deriv current t) m
  in  case newstate of
        (Left  l) -> Left l
        (Right r) -> foldLT newm r ts

-- |
-- derive is the derivative implementation for trees.
-- This implementation makes use of visual pushdown automata.
derive :: Tree t => Grammar -> [t] -> Either String Pattern
derive g ts =
  let start = [Smart.lookupMain g]
  in  case foldLT (newVpa g) start ts of
        (Left  l  ) -> Left $ show l
        (Right [r]) -> return r
        (Right rs ) -> Left $ "Number of patterns is not one, but " ++ show rs