-- |
-- This module provides an implementation of the relapse validation language.
-- Relapse is intended to be used for validation of trees or filtering of lists of trees.
-- Katydid currently provides two types of trees out of the box: Json and XML, 
-- but relapse supports any type of tree as long the type 
-- is of the Tree typeclass provided by the Parsers module.
-- The validate and filter functions expects a Tree to be a list of trees, 
-- since not all serialization formats have a single root.
-- For example, valid json like "[1, 2]" does not have a single root.
-- Relapse can also validate these types of trees.  
-- If your tree has a single root, simply provide a singleton list as input.

module Data.Katydid.Relapse.Relapse
  ( parse
  , parseWithUDFs
  , Grammar
  , validate
  , filter

import           Prelude                 hiding ( filter )
import           Control.Monad.State            ( runState )
import           Control.Monad                  ( filterM )

import           Data.Katydid.Parser.Parser

import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.Parser   as Parser
import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.Ast      as Ast
import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.MemDerive
                                               as MemDerive
import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.Smart    as Smart
import qualified Data.Katydid.Relapse.Exprs    as Exprs

-- | Grammar represents a compiled relapse grammar.
newtype Grammar = Grammar Smart.Grammar

-- |
-- parse parses the relapse grammar and returns either a parsed grammar or an error string.
parse :: String -> Either String Grammar
parse grammarString = do
  parsed <- Parser.parseGrammar grammarString
  Grammar <$> Smart.compile parsed

-- |
-- parseWithUDFs parses the relapse grammar with extra user defined functions
-- and returns either a parsed grammar or an error string.
parseWithUDFs :: Exprs.MkFunc -> String -> Either String Grammar
parseWithUDFs userLib grammarString = do
  parsed <- Parser.parseGrammarWithUDFs userLib grammarString
  Grammar <$> Smart.compile parsed

-- |
-- validate returns whether a tree is valid, given the grammar.
validate :: Tree t => Grammar -> [t] -> Bool
validate g tree = case filter g [tree] of
  [] -> False
  _  -> True

-- |
-- filter returns a filtered list of trees, given the grammar.
filter :: Tree t => Grammar -> [[t]] -> [[t]]
filter (Grammar g) trees =
  let start  = Smart.lookupMain g
      f      = filterM (MemDerive.validate g start) trees
      (r, _) = runState f MemDerive.newMem
  in  r